If you are in need of supplemental pet food and pet supplies

here is where you can find us:

  1. Walk up pet food pantry

    Peace House Ypsilanti, 706 Davis Street, Ypsilanti

  2. Southeastern MichiganPull Over Prevention

    Second Saturday of the month, March - December,

    from 11am-1pm pulloverprevention.com

  3. West Park, Ann Arbor

    by request via direct message on our

    Pet Pals Mutual Aid facebook page

    Wednesdays, May-October from 12 noon-1pm

  4. Ypsilanti Transportation Center Wednesdays, 1:30-2:30pm

  5. Pet Pals Mutual Aid facebook page via direct message



Pet Pals Mutual Aid recommends spay/neutering your pet for many health reasons as well as reducing the number of abandoned and relinqueshed pets.

The Humane Society of Huron Valley generously donates a limited number of spay/neuter vouchers to Pet Pals Mutual Aid.

If you’d like a free voucher, please direct message our facebook page with your pet’s name, age, weight, and breed if known. Also a contact phone number for the pet owner. Pet Pals will contact you with your voucher information which includes the month the voucher is valid. You schedule with the Humane Society at your convenience.

Shelter for you and your pet

We know many folks have companion animals and are unable to access traditional shelters and are therefore sleeping in their cars or tents.

When able, Pet Pals will attempt to fund emergency hotel rooms for people and pets in extreme weather conditions, when it is dangerous for people and their pets to be outdoors in the extreme heat or cold.