There are many ways to help:

  1. Donate to our emergency fund, which helps with emergency veterinary visits and our pet hotel fund for extreme weather

    a) Venmo @PetPalsMutualAid using this link held by our friend, Mary Cook:

    b) PayPal @PetPalsMutualAid with

    Mary Cook as the account holder

    c) Checks can be made payable to:


    P.O. Box 8161

    Ann Arbor, MI 48107

    a) note “Pet Pals Mutual Aid” in the memo to earmark the check for our account

    b) tax exempt letter is available upon request

  2. Donate pet food and other supplies. Check out our Amazon wishlist and conveniently order from Amazon or support a local pet store using our Amazon wishlist as a guide.

  3. Volunteer with us! (fill out contact info in website footer) Examples are filling pantry, food delivery, help unload large donations, advertise, expand outreach, and much more.

  4. Supplies such as gallon ziploc bags and empty large plastic containers are helpful for sharing large quantities of pet food. Contact us if you have empty, clean containers to donate.